Wills, Lasting Power of Attorney and Probate Services


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Wills and probate services

Wills are legal documentation. They declare what happens to your assets after you have passed away. This makes Wills one of the most important documents you may ever have to sign. That’s why it’s imperative that you receive the best advice and representation.

What a fantastic crew at wolf law. Such warm and reassuringly helpful people. Professional until the successful end and for my mother's sake, health and sanity they have my eternal gratitude. I can't recommend their services enough.
Angelina Fletcherinos

One call to Wolf Law does it all...

If you should pass without a Will, the law will decide where your money, property and any other assets will go. This also includes the responsibility for young children. This is why everyone should have a Will.

Giving your loved ones financial protection after you die is one of the main reasons people write a Will. A Will will clarify your wishes and give your beneficiaries legal protection. Wills also give you the following benefits:

What happens if you don’t have a will?

If the worst should happen and you die without a Will, your assets may be at risk. The government will decide who the beneficiaries are for your estate, assets and children. It is usually immediate family members who benefit. But if you have no living family members, all of your property and possessions will be forfeited to the Crown.

Will writing made easy with Wolf Law.

Our experienced solicitors can help you every step of the way. We make Will writing quick and easy. Our trained advisors can discuss your wishes and assign beneficiaries. We’ll consider individual circumstances to make sure you’re making the best decisions. All Wills are different, no two are the same. So we provide guidance and advice.

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